Aboveground biomass and carbon stocks in a Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest-remnant in Sergipe State, Brazil





Temporal variations, Phytomass, Forest management


In the Caatinga (Seasonality Dry Forest), few studies measured the aerial stocks of biomass and carbon, despite the importance of this information for climate change mitigation. In this paper we evaluated these stocks after four years (2011-2015) in a Caatinga remnant Poço Verde, Sergipe State, Brazil. Additionally, we analyzed the relationship between these stocks with phytosociology parameters. The biomass was estimated through allometric equations, being the carbon calculated as the fraction of 0.47 of the biomass. The comparisons of stocks and the climatic data between the periods were carried out through paired t-test; climatic data were also compared with historical values by the Friedman test. Linear regressions evaluated the relationship of biomass with abundance and species richness. We found a temporal equilibrium of aerial stocks of biomass and carbon over time, likely due to unfavorable climatic conditions and the degree of anthropization observed, which may have stopped the growth of these stocks. Aboveground biomass was not related to abundance and/or richness. The total values observed for biomass and carbon stocks (52.8 Mg ha-1 and 24.8 Mg ha-1, respectively) are within the expected range for the Caatinga. The conservation of the studied Caatinga remnant can contribute locally to carbon stocks.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Vinicius da Silva Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Sergipe


Alexandre de Siqueira Pinto, Universidade Federal de Sergipe


Ana Paula do Nascimento Prata, Universidade Federal de Alagoas


Erivania Virtuoso Rodrigues Ferreira, Universidade Federal de Alagoas



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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, Eduardo Vinicius da Silva; PINTO, Alexandre de Siqueira; PRATA, Ana Paula do Nascimento; FERREIRA, Erivania Virtuoso Rodrigues. Aboveground biomass and carbon stocks in a Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest-remnant in Sergipe State, Brazil. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, [S. l.], v. 44, 2024. DOI: 10.4336/2024.pfb.44e202102214. Disponível em: https://pfb.cnpf.embrapa.br/pfb/index.php/pfb/article/view/2214. Acesso em: 26 jun. 2024.




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