Floristic characterization and phytosociology of a Cerradão fragment in Cáceres, Mato Grosso State, Brazil




Estrutura florestal, Composição florística, Cerrado


The fragmentation of habitats has several ecosystem impacts. The high response of vegetation to environmental changes makes it a good indicator of biodiversity conservation condition. This work evaluated the conservation of a Cerradão fragment in the Cáceres municipality, Mato Grosso State, by analyzing the horizontal structure and diversity of species of the tree-shrub layer. The survey was based on two randomized conglomerates, totaling 8 plots and 0.8 ha. The criterion included was the diameter at 1.30 m above ground level ≥ 10 cm. A total of 411 individuals, 44 species and 21 botanical families were sampled. The families Fabaceae and Bignoniaceae presented the greatest species richness. The values of the Shannon-Weaver diversity and the Pielou Equability indices were considered high (3.18 and 0.84, respectively). The floristic similarity between the conglomerates was high, (Sørensen Index = 74.63%), indicating that the fragment is homogeneous. We observed inverted-J shape diametric distribution. The community presented an aggregate tendency, with an average Payandeh Aggregation index equal to 1.40. The richness and phytosociology indicated good conservation of the tree-shrub layer, as there were no floristic-structural changes in the fragment due to the anthropic activities surrounding the area.


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How to Cite

VERLY, Otávio Miranda; OLIVEIRA, Iuri Maicon Moreira de; SANTOS, Cristman Taísse Félix dos; FIALHO JUNIOR, Leonardo Leite; ROSA, Poliane Rodrigues; CHAVES, Arthur Guilherme Schirmbeck; FRANCO, Fernanda Miguel. Floristic characterization and phytosociology of a Cerradão fragment in Cáceres, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, [S. l.], v. 40, 2020. DOI: 10.4336/2020.pfb.40e201801742. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jun. 2024.




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