Vegetative propagation of Eucalyptus dunnii by mini cuttings technique of juvenile material


  • Levi Souza Junior Faculdades Integradas Espíritas
  • Ivar Wendling Embrapa Florestas


Eucalyptus, clonal forestry, , Seedling production, Clonal propagation


The objective of this study was to evaluate the mini cutting technique as a method of vegetative propagation of Eucalyptus dunnii, as related to the production and survival of the mini stumps in the successive collections, and to the survival, rooting, height growth and collar diameter of the mini cuttings. After four successive collections the mini stumps was observed an average survival of 100% and average production between 1.7 to 2.6 mini cuttings per mini stump. The survival of the mini cuttings when they left the greenhouse was 100% and the average rooting at the end of acclimatization period in shade house with 50% solar light was 93%, and the survival to 90 days of age from 90%, without positive influence of the different treatments of AIB (0, 1500, 3000 e 6000 mg L-1.) At specific conditions on wich the experiment was realized with mini cuttings of Eucalyptus dunnii, from material of seminal origin, is technically viable, and this technique can be an alternative for production seedlings of this species in wide scale and mainly in situations where seed is a limiting factor.


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How to Cite

SOUZA JUNIOR, Levi; WENDLING, Ivar. Vegetative propagation of Eucalyptus dunnii by mini cuttings technique of juvenile material. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, [S. l.], n. 46, p. 21–30, 2003. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jun. 2024.




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